At Lye Cross Farm we believe it is vital to educate the next generation about farming and the part it plays in the world.
This year alone, over 28,000 primary school pupils have benefited from the FarmLink programme. John Alvis is the mastermind behind the interactive education programme which aims to help pupils find out about the environment, the importance of sustainability and how a successful agricultural business is run.
Other regional farms have joined the scheme and during the winter, visits are made to schools to maintain the links made during the summer and learning is tied in with the National Curriculum.

“FarmLink has grown in a very organic, sustainable way and now we have set aside some space for a kitchen classroom and garden so children can actually grow their own food, prepare it, and eat it. This further enhances their learning experience.”
While it is still regional, FarmLink is developing links with other partners to create a national organisation.
Our sole intention is to inform school children about farming, food, countryside and environmental issues. BBC Radio 4 awarded the Alvis family ‘Best Farm Communicator of the Year’ for this innovative collaboration.”We provide opportunities for more than 10,000 children every year to enhance their learning of the National Curriculum subjects at all four Key Stages in a fun and positive way.”
Visit the FarmLink website for more information.
“We launched FarmLink because I remember as a child my friends who lived in the city coming to the farm and how they enjoyed it.”
“I feel children have become more and more divorced from the land and we wanted to do something positive about this.”
John Alvis Director